1. The Core Idea of Business Cards:
Business cards on trump.lt are designed to be a digital equivalent of traditional business cards, enabling quick and easy exchange of contact information. It’s simpler and less formal than the mechanisms used by social media platforms.
2. Public and Private Business Cards:
Users can create public business cards (visible to everyone) or private ones (shared upon request). This allows for flexible management of contact visibility.
3. Customizable Business Cards:
Business cards can represent different organizational levels, from the entire company to specific departments or individual people. This ensures users can specify the appropriate point of contact for each purpose.
4. Integration with Company Profiles:
Business cards can be assigned to specific sections of a company profile, such as sales or customer service departments. This provides intuitive access to the right contacts.
5. The Option to "Collect Business Cards":
Users can add business cards to their "collections," creating lists of potential contacts. This functions more like a catalog of interests rather than traditional "friending."
6. Direct Contact via Business Cards:
Business cards enable various forms of communication, such as direct phone calls, emails, or built-in contact forms. The platform supports different user preferences without forcing a single communication channel.
7. Anonymous Data for AI:
The platform can learn from user interactions with business cards while processing the data anonymously. Pattern analysis will help optimize recommendations and improve platform functionality.
8. Diverse Interaction Scenarios:
Not all contacts need to go through the platform – users can connect outside of it (e.g., by phone). Trump.lt is a tool for facilitating relationships, not restricting them.
9. Privacy Risk Minimization:
Transparency in data processing and the ability to use business cards without fully disclosing information ensure user security. This builds trust in the platform.
10. The Future of Business Cards on trump.lt:
Thanks to their simplicity and intuitiveness, business cards can become a natural tool for building business relationships. Their integration with company profiles and various personalization options give the platform the potential to become a new standard in business networking.
I hope this summary captures the essence of the conversation well!